Hungarian Conservative

Minister Gulyás: Defending Freedom is Part of the Legacy of Saint Stephen

Boglárka Bodnár/MTI
During a ceremony held in commemoration of the foundation of the state where high state awards were conferred, Chief of the Prime Minister’s Office Gergely Gulyás stated that as Hungary is celebrating the 1023rd birthday of its nationhood, the nation must take stock of its history. He also added that the anniversary of the foundation of the Hungarian state is an apt occasion to express gratitude to those who, with years of effort, have served their communities, big or small, through exceptional achievements.

Preserving the legacy of Saint Stephen entails defending freedom, safeguarding Europe’s ancient values, and maintaining state sovereignty,’ the Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office said on Friday in Budapest.

During a ceremony held in commemoration of the foundation of the Hungarian state where high state awards were conferred, Gergely Gulyás declared that as Hungary is celebrating the 1023rd birthday of its nationhood, the nation must take stock of its history. Above all, gratitude must be extended for over 40 generations of service, commitment, and achievement that have preserved the country and upheld the nation.

‘We must know the path we have left behind to be able to find our way in the present,’

the minister emphasised.

He added that Saint Stephen’s legacy endures not only for his establishment of the state, but also because he chose Christianity and the Western path. However, he also noted that after a thousand years, Europe, including Hungary, finds itself in a position where

the path to Western Europe no longer leads through Christianity.

He suggested that what was once common in European faith, culture, and thinking has been rejected, forgotten, and surpassed by Western Europe. The foundations of Christianity have been expelled from the organising social principles, legal frameworks, and public life, and got replaced by an ideology that questions, denies, and abolishes European values.

The Minister stressed that, in Central and Eastern European countries that have suffered under communism, it is essential to preserve everything that has nourished, operated, and defined the continent for centuries.

He went on to note that during the reign of King Saint Stephen, the establishment of the state and the embracing of Christianity provided the right, proven answer to existential questions. Minister Gulyás also underscored that

King Stephen I built a country that remains the home of every Hungarian, regardless of where any of them live worldwide, even after the Trianon Treaty.

He built a country where everyday life is regulated by laws, and the rule of law prevails. Even after ten centuries, a common faith, language, and culture remain the foundation of unity. The first king of Hungary established a nation capable of defending itself while being a reliable and predictable partner to its allies. A country that stands on its own, has its own bread, and can ensure the prosperity of the families living within it, Gulyás enumerated.

He highlighted that King Saint Stephen’s legacy remains a guiding light for successive generations: Hungarians must periodically visit his legacy to understand where the people of the nation come from and to determine the right path forward.

In honour of the state awards recipients, Gulyás invoked the words of István Széchenyi: ‘A nation is not built on lifeless soil, but living people.’ He added: ‘Those who work in culture, pursue science, create as artists, teach, nurture, heal, achieve outstanding results in sports, build communities, or serve in public administration all serve this nation together. These people are part of the generation-to-generation renewal of the alliance that preserves us as Hungarians.’ Celebrating the 1023rd anniversary of statehood is a great occasion to express gratitude to those who, with years of effort, have served their communities, big or small, through exceptional achievements, the minister noted.

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Source: Hungarian Conservative/MTI

During a ceremony held in commemoration of the foundation of the state where high state awards were conferred, Chief of the Prime Minister’s Office Gergely Gulyás stated that as Hungary is celebrating the 1023rd birthday of its nationhood, the nation must take stock of its history. He also added that the anniversary of the foundation of the Hungarian state is an apt occasion to express gratitude to those who, with years of effort, have served their communities, big or small, through exceptional achievements.