Hungarian Conservative

Tag: commemoration

The crusader army numbering tens of thousands that St John of Capistrano recruited played an important role in the successful defence of the Fortress of Nándorfehérvár and in the battle
Distinguished scholars, museum curators, and educators gathered at the Polish History Museum in Warsaw, Poland for the 12th European Remembrance Symposium organized by the ERNS to talk about ways to
‘Today, our generation has the opportunity to build our own army, the force that guarantees the armed defence of the nation. This is our task, and in that we are
Hungarian Ambassador to the US Szabolcs Takács and US Representative Carol Miller of West Virginia spoke at the event commemorating the 1848–1849 Hungarian Revolution and Freedom Fight at Lajos Kossuth’s
Andrea Mészáros has been an active member of the Hungarian community in Cleveland since her childhood. In the interview she talks about her family, her strong attachment and dedication to
Among other programmes, between 20 and 23 February the museum’s historians will hold presentations for secondary school students interested in history. During these sessions, students will be able to learn
Deputy State Secretary Miklós Dukai led the event honouring the around 38,000 civilian victims who perished during the Siege of Budapest in 1944.
Katalin Novák expressed that the greatness of heroes stems from the fact that, in essence, they are not different from us. People who became heroes were sons and daughters, fathers
The Hungarian-language version of the Brussels-based news site has since changed the title of their article. However, the cached version of their horrible faux pas is still available through a
Kissinger served as US Secretary of State under Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford between 1973 and 1977. In 1973, he won the Nobel Peace Prize. Known for his realist