These general terms and conditions (hereinafter referred to as: ’GTC’) defines and determines the subscription, the method of sale and distribution of the monthly periodical printed press product ’Hungarian Conservative’ (hereinafter referred to as: ’Publication’) that is published by the publishing company BL Nonprofit Kft (hereinafter referred to as: ’Publisher’).
The scope of this GTC applies to the following activities:
This GTC shall be made available for the public by the Publisher both in print format at the actual relevant registered seat of the Publisher and in electronic format at the website (hereinafter referred to as: ’Website”)
This GTC shall be effective from the date determined hereunder for an unspecified term.
Subscriber: a natural person, legal entity or other organization who or which enters into a contractual legal relationship with the Publisher with regard to ordering the Publication.
Publisher: BL Nonprofit Kft. which, based on the legal relationship with the Subscriber (hereinafter referred to as: Subscription) delivers the Publication to the address determined by the Subscriber (hereinafter referred to as: Delivery) for consideration, and transfers the ownership right of the Publication to the Subscriber or the person designated by the Subscriber (hereinafter referred to as: Consignee)
Subscription: a contractual legal relationship for specified or unspecified term, established by the Publisher accepting Subscriber’s order (offer) for the Publication which order contains the data required for the fulfilment of the services; the subject of this contractual legal relationship is transferring the ownership right of the Publication to the Subscriber or the person designated by the Subscriber (Consignee) against the Subscription Fee by delivering the Publication to the Subscriber or a third person designated by the Subscriber (Consignee). A Subscription may also be established by the Subscriber accepting the offer issued by the Publisher.
Subscription Fee: a fee, also made public at the Website, the Subscriber is obliged to pay to the Publisher regarding the term of the Subscription for the services based on the Subscription and as the consideration for transferring the ownership right of the Publication to the Subscriber or the person designated by the Subscriber (Consignee) and delivering the Publication to the Subscriber (Consignee) to the Address for Service.
Address for Service: data of name and address to which the Publication shall be delivered by the Publisher in the scope of fulfilling the Subscription. As a general rule, the delivery of the Publication to the Address for Service by involving the contributors determined in Annex1 of this GTC.
In order to issue an offer for the Subscription outside the Website the Subscribers shall give their respective data according to section 2.1. hereunder in writing (which, regarding the offer, also includes email format) or via telephone at the designated telephone number. In case of orders given via telephone or in person the Publisher notifies the Subscriber in writing regarding the recorded data of the Subscription at latest together with sending the invoice.
Ordering the Subscription through the Website is also possible, after registering and providing the required data.
Unless otherwise specified, the form issuable by the Publisher for purchasing the Subscription and the information indicated in that form as well as the information at the Website shall qualify as a call for proposal (and not as a proposal for contract by the Publisher). Therefore in case of filling the form and filing it to the Publisher, or ordering through the Website or via telephone of e-mail it is the Subscriber who is considered the offeror, and the Publisher’s statement of accepting this offer is required to establish the Subscription (the contract). The period during which the offeror is bound to keep its offer shall be 30 days; the Publisher is entitled to accept the offer also by implication (e.g. by sending an invoice).By sending the written proposal or ordering online at the Website the Subscriber acknowledges and accepts this GTC and the referred documents, as well as, especially but not exclusively the Privacy Policy, The Privacy Policy is available here. The above resolutions In addition the Publisher is also entitled to make a written offer by notifying the Subscribers.
Based on the Subscription the Publisher, against the payment in advance of the Subscription Fees, delivers the Publication to the Delivery Address and transfer their ownership rights to the Subscriber by handing it over in person or using post boxes or other containers.
Unless otherwise specified the subscription term commences on the first day of the month following the month in which the Subscription Fee was paid. Unless otherwise specified the Publisher shall send the issue concerning the month that follows the month when the subscription fee was paid.
The invoice of the Publisher (or any entitled person) shall be issued within 15 days from accepting the offer (ie. the effectivity date of the contract ) and delivered to the Subscriber.
In case the Publisher makes an offer then the Subscriber’s statement of accepting the Publisher’s offer and therefore the proper filing of the subscriber’s statement is required in order to establish the subscription legal relationship between the Publisher and the Subscriber
Data required for the Subscription
Methods of the Subscription
Amending the Subscription
The subscription legal relationship between the Publisher and the Subscriber mas be amended in the following cases:
In case of change in the data of the Subscriber (name, address or delivery address) Subscriber becomes obliged to send a notification regarding the changes to the Publisher in writing or via email from the email address provided in advance, 15 days before the changes enter into effect; the Publisher is not liable for any damages arising from the failure or default of this obligation.
The Publisher must report any change in other data to the Publisher within 8 days from the day the change enters into effect.
The Publisher is entitled to amend the Subscription Fee unilaterally. When the Subscription Fee is amended the Publisher:
Termination of the subscription legal relationship
The legal relationship regarding the Subscription between the Publisher and te Subscriber shall be terminated in the following cases:
The Publisher delivers the paid Publication to the Address for Service provided by the Subscriber directly or by using contributing distribution network(s).
Place of delivery
The place of delivery shall be the Address for Service of the Subscriber, respectively the mailbox installed at this designated address which shall be suitable for placing the Publication in safety and without damage and where no unauthorized person shall have access.
If there is no such safe mailbox at the Address for Service then the Publisher does not take responsibility for damages arising from the un-deliverability of the Publication. The Subscriber acknowledges and accepts this exclusion of liability.
Delivery times may vary subject to the capacity of the contributors and the distribution network but the Publisher undertakes to (attempt to) deliver the Publication to the Subscriber at latest until within 10 working days starting from the release of the Publication.
The Publisher excludes its liability for failing to comply with the delivery deadline announced regarding the subscription in case the failure is caused by force majeure. The Subscriber acknowledges and accepts this exclusion of liability.
Management of remarks and requests for information
The Subscriber is entitled do make remarks or requests to the Publisher in person, via telephone, in writing by sending mail or e-mail.
Subscription Fees shall be collected by the Publisher or their contributors, according to the following methods:
The Publisher shall be entitled to make decisions regarding the sales and announce them in the Publication, at the Website, in leaflets, flyers, through e-mails or other media. Sales and discounts announced by the Publisher shall only be available for specified term and/or until stocks are exhausted. Subscription fee discounts may be granted by the Publisher; the level of such discount may be diverse.
The Publisher operates a customer service in order to keep contact with the Subscribers, to manage complaints and for administration purposes. In order to make it possible to investigate their complaints, the complainants are obliged to provide data which is required for identifying the Subscription, as requested by the customer service (name and address of the Subscriber, indication of the Publication, Subscription term, or the Subscription code, account number).
In case the delivered Publication is defective or the delivery itself was failed then it is possible to issue either a claim for replacement or a claim for refund in person or via e-mail sent from the e-mail address provided earlier, at the addresses determined in Annex 2 of this GTC, within 10 working days.
Any remark, complaint (concerning the quality of the Publication, quality of the delivery, failure of delivery etc.) may be filed or handed in in person, in writing, via e-mail sent from the e-mail address provided earlier by the Subscriber, or via telephone.
In case the customer service of the Publisher receives a complaint then the Publisher investigates the complaint in accordance with the relevant legal regulation, and shall act as follows: The Publisher shall investigate oral complaints without hesitation, and shall remedy such complaint as appropriate. The Publisher shall notify the complainant in advance regarding the investigation of the complaint, and shall obtain the respective preliminary consent of the complainant. In case the complainant does not agree with the management of the complaint or the immediate investigation of the complaint is not possible, then the Publisher makes a record of the complaint and its regarding point of view and shall send this record in writing to the complainant at latest together with the substantive response but at latest in 30 days. Complaints received via telephone shall be given a unique identification number by the Publisher.
Data regarding the complaint shall be recorded in order to be able to identify:
The Publisher shall save the data regarding the complaint for 5 years and is obliged to present this data at the request of the competent controlling authorities.
Contact details of the customer service for investigating complaints
Complaints regarding the Subscription and payment may be filed:
The Subscribers shall be notified about the result of the investigation as requested. All complaints filed to the customer service of the Publisher shall be investigated within 30 days at latest.
As to the remainder, the provisions of the Act V of 2013 on the Hungarian Civil Code shall be applicable regarding complaints and management of complaints.
In case Subscribers make objection regarding the management of their complaint, then they are entitled to initiate proceedings at the consumer authorities.
The Publisher shall handle and process the personal data provided by the data subjects solely according to the provisions of the relevant Privacy Policy. The Privacy Policy shall be available at the link under menu item ’Privacy’ of the website
This GTC shall be valid and effective from March 2021 until withdrawal or until the entering into effect of any possible alteration.
The Subscriber expressly acknowledges that the Publisher reserves the right to amend the GTC unilaterally. Alteration due to correcting possible misspellings or typos, modification of the company data of the Publisher, other administrative cause or any alteration arising from obligatory legal regulation or due to changes in the obligatory relevant legal regulation shall not be considered as amendment of the GTC.
The Publisher shall announce and make public the amendment of this GTC and the documents referred to in the GTC both at the Website and in print format at the registered seat of the Publisher at least 15 days prior to the effectivity date of such amendment. Simultaneously the Publisher shall also notify the Subscribers of such amendment.
Any alteration of this GTC that, based on the above, shall not be considered as amendment, or if the amendment is caused by change in the relevant legal regulation or an authority decision, may be announced and made public in less than the otherwise applicable 15 days prior to the effectivity date.
Hungarian law shall apply to this GTC and all contracts and obligations which are established upon this GTC.
Dated in Budapest, 2021. 03.29.
Annex nr. 1. – Contributors and distribution network
Contributors and distribution network:
WEBSHIPPY Magyarország Kft.
Annex nr 2. – Contact details of the Publisher
Customer service: 1067 Budapest, Eötvös utca 24. 1/16.
Opening hours: workdays, from Monday to Thursday 10:00 – 15:00
Telephone number of the customer service: +36 1 332-5305 available on working days, from Monday to Thursday 10:00 – 15:00
E-mail address of the customer service:
Website of the Publisher:
GTC regarding the subscription is available at the website of the Publisher:
Hungarian Conservative is a quarterly magazine on contemporary political, philosophical and cultural issues from a conservative perspective.