Hungarian Conservative

Tag: Gergely Gulyás

Minister of Prime Minister’s Office Gergely Gulyás stated on Friday that Hungary does not want to blackmail Ukraine over the halted transit of Russian Lukoil oil shipments via Ukraine to
At the weekly government press briefing last week the Hungarian PM’s chief of staff, Minister Gergely Gulyás stated that Hungary would not enforce the ICC arrest warrant against Benjamin Netanyahu.
Gergely Gulyás, the minister leading the Prime Minister’s Office, stated on Thursday that Hungary does not want to participate in NATO’s mission in Ukraine. He reiterated the government’s unchanged position:
The contract extension for the Hungarian Grand Prix Formula 1 race will cover the comprehensive renovation of the Hungaroring, currently underway and scheduled to be completed by 2026.
During a scheduled press conference, Gergely Gulyás said the government expects inflation to drop significantly by the end of November. Regarding the frozen EU funds, he noted that Hungary is
Gergely Gulyás argued that if it is true that those who are furthest from the Motherland find it the most difficult to preserve and pass on their mother tongue, to
‘The first thing we can wish for Israel in the current situation is that it should regain control over the entire territory of the state of Israel and establish the
At an extraordinary government press briefing on Wednesday, chief of the PM’s Office Gergely Gulyás said the government may impose a ban on Ukrainian grain imports after 15 September within
Mazsihisz head Andor Grósz expressed his view to Minister Gulyás that some of the recent remarks about Regent Miklós Horthy made by Fidesz officials at the 30th anniversary of Horthy’s
Wine and sparkling wine consumption is declining in Europe, but in Hungary, it is fashionable to consume sparkling wine, and the industry is on the rise.