Hungarian Conservative

Issue: Vol. I

Using immigration to address labour shortage is clearly not just an economic policy decision: changing the composition of a society is expected to have other far-reaching consequences, and not necessarily
Conservative forces in Europe and outside the continent need to work together because the values we hold dear are under global attack. These are the values that underpin the greatness and
An interview from our third issue in memory of Father Attila Farkas who has passed away today.
Although Western politicians have repeatedly expressed the idea that Russia may be behind the migration crisis in Belarus, this does not seem to correspond with reality.
In this paper we will focus on the different legal arguments for and against the right to life in the context of the relevant international laws, covenants, and legal texts.
We discussed the future chances of conservatism, the possible political role of Christianity, and how the ‘rainbow culture’ in Germany uses Hungary as an antipole, a perceived enemy, to forge an identity for
The execution of the withdrawal was problematic in several respects, from a lack of communication between the allies through an absence of coordination with the Afghan side to the actual management
The guiding thread of Hungarian conservative thinking has always been to represent the Hungarian national interest, and thus the preservation of the country’s sovereignty and freedom—this is understood to supersede
While Africa and West Asia have seen a population explosion, the countries of Eastern Europe and East Asia struggle with dwindling populations.
Today Hungary has the second highest proportion in Europe of respondents who would ideally like to have a large family; nine out of ten Hungarians believe that the government should