Hungarian Conservative

Issue: Vol. I

By 1956, disillusionment with chivalric or martial ideas or even just ordinary love of country was again de rigueur in the world of words.
Review of David French’s Divided We Fall: America’s Secession Threat and How to Restore Our Nation.
Let us have a look at what is behind the results and what conclusions Europe can draw from the German elections.
Court packing will not solve the long-term problems regarding the role of the Supreme Court in American government and American life.
Today there are many different understandings of family which are considered equal. The endeavour is not without dangers, for this equality of forms and models is not something supposed to
Pál Teleki, famous Hungarian politician and geographer, believed that the preservation of the Carpathian Basin as an undivided hydrographical unit could serve as a compelling argument of natural geography against
The Parasitic Mind is nothing short of a manual for this twisted age that seems to lack common sense. Its message, if put simply, has an almost biblical overtone: be
‘Even though the liberal mindset continues to define the mainstream, credit is due to the government for its achievements in keeping this trend at bay’
The most persecuted religion of the world is Christianity. The Hungarian government was the first in the world to establish a special administrative organ, the State Secretariat for the Aid
The fact that Christian socialist and Christian democratic tendencies simultaneously appeared in the nascent political Catholicism is another similarity between the Hungarian and the European scenes.