Hungarian Conservative

Picture of Ádám Darabos

Ádám Darabos

Ádám Darabos is Assistant Research Fellow at the Research Institute for Religion and Society with the University of Public Service. He is also a Danube Institute research fellow.
‘Is dominance good or bad? What is the relationship between dominance and democracy? What are the main reasons for dominance? Concerning the last question, the authors argue that—besides the already
‘The systematic method Tóth uses really contributes to our understanding of ideology and ideological thinking. To mention a few substantial arguments that are derived from the plot of Darkness at
As Kecskés frequently highlights, the source and the end for human beings is God. This is the basis on which every Christian social theory should rest.
In order to understand where to move forward, first, we must look at our past, our history, so that we become able to identify our strengths, weaknesses and our spiritual
‘Most of the pitfalls in social ethics, political theory and education are due to a misunderstanding of the ontological character of love.’
While realism is defined explicitly, Christianity is not. Nevertheless, several crutches could lead us to understand Bennett’s theological perspective. He helps us in this effort when he plainly rejects ‘post-Kantian
In this piece, we venture to America again to immerse in the thoughts of Walter Rauschenbusch (1861–1918).
In this article, we will briefly review the history of the Serenity Prayer’s origin. We will also add two short notes, to highlight the importance of being aware of the
In this article, the insightful ideas of an essential American protestant theologian from the last century will be recalled.
Most people in the West even within the Catholic Church refuse to publicly acknowledge that there is a different relationship between the way Christians relate to God and have a