Hungarian Conservative

Tag: Teachers

Orbán began his speech by asserting that ‘this year has enormous amounts at stake because the Soros empire, in collaboration with the governing American Democrats, is launching an attack on
Two Christian teachers in Escondido, California sued their school district for forcing them to withhold form the parents if their child was identifying as of another gender at school. The
The Hungarian community in Mukachevo has been harassed in a number of ways by the Ukrainian local authorities over the past year. Beside the attacks on the Hungarian secondary school,
Earlier this year, referring to a fresh decree, the Ukrainian police removed Hungarian flags from several public institutions in the town, including the Hungarian-language secondary school. Furthermore, without any justification,
According to State Secretary Bence Rétvári, this year, 18,845 people applied for teacher training, of which 10,514 were admitted, of whom 9,674 will study on a government scholarship. The number
The Hungarian National Media and Infocommunications Authority (NMHH) has produced a publication titled Are our children good when they play? — A Knowledge Base on Video Games for Parents and
Alexandra Szentkirályi reiterated that Hungary still does not and will not ship weapons to Ukraine nor will it allow other countries to ship weapons through its territory.
The President said there is a need for teachers who focus on the students, placing them at the centre of their work and keeping their long-term interests in mind.
A new draft legislation has been posted on the government’s website which details plans to increase teachers’ salaries, introduce employment relationships in public education, and make other miscellaneous changes to the