Hungarian Conservative

Tag: far-left

Italian antifascist-attacker-turned-MEP Ilaria Salis was quick to criticize Hungary in her very first post on X as a member of the European Parliament, accusing Budapest of not having guaranteed her
The New Popular Front, an electoral alliance including the far left, has won the second round of the French National Assembly elections. Despite finishing third, Marine Le Pen’s National Rally
After being elected to the European Parliament, Italian Antifa Ilaria Salis walked free on 14 June, as Hungarian police released her from house arrest due to the immunity granted to
The far-left Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra coalition got above the parliamentary threshold in Italy last Sunday, and will delegate Ilaria Salis to the European Parliament. Salis was standing criminal trial
Ilaria Salis, an Italian anti-fascist activist, was moved from a Budapest prison to house arrest on Thursday morning after spending over 15 months in custody. The court had ordered the
Ilaria Salis, the Antifa member who is being tried for brutally beating up a Hungarian man with her accomplices in Budapest in February 2023, accepted her candidacy for a seat
László Dudog, one of the most severely injured victims of the far-left attacks in Budapest last February, granted an exclusive interview to Italian media. The article has the potential to
Protestors from the radical environmentalist group Extinction Rebellion interrupted two speeches at the National Conservatism Conference currently ongoing in London. A similar grandiose event, CPAC Hungary, recently wrapped up in
‘Those who oppose the Woke tide must recognize that the revolution they face is a many-headed hydra, driven and enabled by a multitude of factors beyond the political. Ultimately its
The Day of Remembrance of the Siege of Budapest has caused plenty of controversy every February over the years.