Hungarian Conservative

Authors - Stageing: Gábor Seprényi

The Japan-Korea reconciliation is good news for both countries, the USA and the free world, and bad news for China, whose aggressive and threatening behaviour and wolf warrior diplomacy helped
Retrospectively, one can say the coup had been in the making. But how unexpected it was is plainly demonstrated by an epic video on YouTube, in which a fitness trainer
Low birth-rates and decreasing populations are not new problems in Japan or in other East Asian countries, most remarkably in South Korea or China. But this year, the situation has
Japan’s new National Security Strategy acknowledges that the balance of power has shifted significantly towards China, a country that has been going through a massive military build-up for decades.
It is important to mention that Europe, more precisely European football culture and Germany in particular, played a key role in the development and the successes of both the Japanese
The Indo-Pacific is not only a geographical region but a strategic concept as well. The stability and the prosperity of the countries in the Indo-Pacific depend on the freedom and
Tibor Baranski saved the lives of no less than three thousand Hungarian Jews according to Yad Vashem in Israel, but the actual number could be as many as twelve to
Is it a wise move to put all our eggs in the electric basket and expose the whole European car industry to that risk? As opposed to the present monocultural
After being postponed due to the emerging global Covid pandemic and held under strange circumstances without spectators amidst political tension and the Covid hysteria fuelled by the media, a growing
It is never a good idea for a political party, especially not for a conservative one, to tie up with obscure new religions. They can deliver effective help in the