Hungarian Conservative

Justice Minister, Judit Varga demarcates the priorities of Hungary’s forthcoming presidency of the Council of Europe

Hungarian presidency will provide an opportunity to represent European values that are also important to Hungarians.

Hungary’s six-month presidency’s concept of the Council of Europe, which begins in May, will be to respect national traditions.

‘Hungary has been, for centuries, a devoted participant and shaper in the development of law in Europe. While appreciating the work of the Council of Europe in maintaining the dialogue on human rights, democracy and the rule of law, respecting the cultural, legal and historical traditions of each nation remains also very important, and this is going to be the most significant principle of the Hungarian Presidency as well,’ said Minister Varga after meeting
the council’s Secretary-General Marija Pejčinović Burić in Strasbourg. ‘The meeting also provided an opportunity to represent Hungarian interests and to discuss current issues in the Council of Europe,’ she added. 

Besides respecting national traditions, the program of Hungarian presidency will also focus on protecting national minorities and families, encouraging dialogue between religions, and addressing the challenges of artificial intelligence, cybercrime and environmental protection. 

According to Minister Varga, Hungarian presidency will provide an opportunity to represent European values that are also important to Hungarians. 

Source: About Hungary

Hungarian presidency will provide an opportunity to represent European values that are also important to Hungarians.