This article aims to outline the nature and role of global supply chains in economic globalization, and to highlight the underlying roots of and reasons for the new trend towards realignment.
In the present circumstances, even the smallest change affecting the Bundeswehr could be the source of prolonged political debates that not only protract the deployment of forces and the acquisition of equipment, but also greatly hinder effectiveness.
The general switchover must be a deliberate and incremental process, mindful of the specific situation and the needs of each member state.
Maistre associated the Protestant cult of books and philosophers with individualism, which he saw as the root cause of all the problems of his age.
‘Universities nowadays also have a regional development function, in addition to maintaining and strengthening their high- quality core activities.’
Reclaiming Europe’s medieval history will be an essential task for those of us seeking to preserve the foundations of Judeo-Christian civilization and culture.
A Hungarian model does exist, and is worth presenting to other conservative communities out there as an example to learn from.
The current article describes the conflicts that exist between the Hungarian conservative government defending national interests and policies used by the OSF to interfere in Hungary’s domestic affairs. The aims of the OSF will be interpreted in the context of history, culture, and geopolitics.
Conservatism is a philosophy, a frame of mind, an attitude built on a practical belief that people can and should govern themselves.
The politicization of medical science in the context of the COVID crisis is another building block in the construction of a socialist system that will enable even more effective surveillance and repression due to digitalization, in the form of a ‘cybernetic socialism’.
This war should never have led the EU, and France in particular, to side with one of the belligerents.
Love used to define war, and the love that avoided nuclear war when logic would have held it inevitable seems to have begun to limit the wars that would kill what you love.
In this paper we will focus on the different legal arguments for and against the right to life in the context of the relevant international laws, covenants, and legal texts.
We discussed the future chances of conservatism, the possible political role of Christianity, and how the ‘rainbow culture’ in Germany uses Hungary as an antipole, a perceived enemy, to forge an identity for itself.
The execution of the withdrawal was
problematic in several respects, from a lack of communication between the allies through an absence of coordination with the Afghan side to the actual management of the evacuation.
The guiding thread of Hungarian conservative thinking has always been to represent the Hungarian national interest, and thus the preservation of the country’s sovereignty and freedom—this is understood to supersede any theoretical concepts.
While Africa and West Asia have seen a population explosion, the countries of Eastern Europe and East Asia struggle with dwindling populations.
Today Hungary has the second highest proportion in Europe of respondents who would ideally like to have a large family; nine out of ten Hungarians believe that the government should support families having children over encouraging immigration.
By 1956, disillusionment with chivalric or martial ideas or even just ordinary love of country was again de rigueur in the world of words.
Review of David French’s Divided We Fall: America’s Secession Threat and How to Restore Our Nation.
Let us have a look at what is behind the results and what conclusions Europe can draw from the German elections.
Court packing will not solve the long-term problems regarding the role of the Supreme Court in American government and American life.
Today there are many different understandings of family which are considered equal. The endeavour is not without dangers, for this equality of forms and models is not something supposed to be established and argued for with concrete proofs, data, and arguments.
Hungarian Conservative is a quarterly magazine on contemporary political, philosophical and cultural issues from a conservative perspective.