Hungarian Conservative

Why Transgenderism is a Central Issue?

There is a drastic increase in the number of children confused by their gender identity in countries where propaganda to young people is widespread.

Transgenderism is a central issue in politics, on social media, television and even in the academic world. Gender ideologists have been trying to accept the liberalization of gender with societies for decades. Like any religion, woke ideology understands the need to convert children. ‘Give me the child for the first seven years and I will give you the man,’ says the Jesuit maxim. 

Gender ideology is now openly targeting children with LGBTQ messages to raise a generation which accepts these views without criticism. They try to “feed” their worldview with younger age groups by incorporating the basics of their theory into mainstream movies, cartoons and storybooks. Vloggers promoting gender ideology on the internet are becoming more and more popular among young people. If we take a closer look at these videos, we can see that many of them are sponsored by LGBTQ organizations. Hence, it is not about spontaneous messages, but well-designed content spread by young people.

According to gender ideology, a person’s biological sex is not a determining factor in the development of gender identity; sexual orientation is much more important. In other words, if someone is born with male genitalia, he can still live peacefully as a woman or girl, even temporarily or for a lifetime, even without surgery.

According to gender ideology,

a person’s biological sex is not a determining factor in the development of gender identity; sexual orientation is much more important. In other words, if someone is born with male genitalia, he can still live peacefully as a woman or girl, even temporarily or for a lifetime, even without surgery.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that parents have the right to chose of education to be given to their children. The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union recognizes the right of parents to provide their children with an education commensurate with their religious, ideological, or pedagogical beliefs. Nevertheless, this right is being increasingly violated as a result of comprehensive sex education programmes in schools.

‘If a little boy goes home saying I am a girl, a responsible parent will know he is not a girl. She will ask her child for help to get rid of that feeling and thought, and develop a healthy identity,’ said Eszter Schittl the Hungarian representative of CitizenGO. ‘The situation is quite different in the West, where institutions and governments influenced by the gender lobby leave children in need alone and even encourage them to live according to this misconception. Everyone pretends a “grotesque role-playing game” and starts looking at the boy as a girl. A child who is confused by his or her gender does not have the intellectual or emotional capacity to see clearly and make responsible decisions on this issue,’ she added.

There is a drastic increase in the number of children confused by their gender identity in countries where propaganda to young people is widespread and where the laws and practices of some clinics serve the transgender lobby instead of protecting children.

Hormone therapy or gender reassignment surgery does not help children who are insecure about their gender. It must be stated that children have the right to get protection against gender ideology and attempted gender transformation, otherwise gender lobbying can cause irreversible damage, mainly to vulnerable children and young people.

There is a drastic increase in the number of children confused by their gender identity in countries where propaganda to young people is widespread.