Hungarian Conservative

Picture of Tünde Fűrész

Tünde Fűrész

Tünde Fűrész is an economist with law specialisation, married and mother of three daughters. Since 2010, she has been an active originator of Hungarian family policy, first as the Head of Department responsible for the field and then as the Deputy Secretary State responsible for Family Policy and Demography. As a Ministerial Commissioner, she was responsible for the transformation of the Hungarian crèche system. Since December 2017, she has been the President of the Mária Kopp Institute for Demography and Families.
The majority of the EU tries to alleviate the demographic and labour market challenges by promoting digitalization, increasing the activity of the over-65 age group and pushing back the retirement
Hungary’s comprehensive family support system has garnered international attention; in order to become acquainted with the policies of Hungary, family-friendly countries frequently consult with government organizations, including the Mária Kopp
The figures clearly show that over the past decade the economic and employment boom in Hungary has been accompanied by a marked improvement in the demographic situation.
‘Family is not the cause, but the solution to climate change. A European study conducted in 2021 by the Mária Kopp Institute for Demography and Families (KINCS) found that large