Hungarian Conservative

Picture of Márton Békés

Márton Békés

Márton Békés is a graduate of Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, with degrees in history and political science. He earned his PhD in History in 2012. He was the editor-in-chief of two historical discussion series, Ősök Tere and Retrográd on Hír TV from 2009 to 2014, as well as the editor- in-chief of the news portal Jobbklikk. He has been the Research Director of the House of Terror Museum since 2014. He currently holds the position of editor-in-chief at Kommentár and the director of Institute for Research on Communism. His main area of research is the political history of the twentieth century and the history of ideologies in American neoconservatism. He has been the editor of five books, has co- authored three and authored six others; the last one was published in 2020 under the title Kulturális hadviselés (Cultural Warfare).
Since the regime change, we have had eight heads of government, of whom only Viktor Orbán has had more than one term. With his current term running until spring 2026,
In the third and fourth decades of the 21st century, national–conservative forces will have a chance to end the left-liberal cultural hegemony that has been dominating for a hundred years
In Matolcsy’s understanding, the current debate on the theoretical and practical side of the economy is caused by the difference between ‘the former liberal approach and the currently rising approach
Carl von Clausewitz advised that “According to our idea of a people’s war, it should, like a kind of nebulous vapoury essence, never condense into a solid body; […]. Still,
Following two decades of Westernization after 1989, the western and central parts of Europe began to drift apart and then to diverge, not without historical precedent.
In the age of soft colonization and hybrid neo-colonialism, the war of independence must be fought in the cultural field in the first place.