Hungarian Conservative

Picture of Jeffrey Kaplan

Jeffrey Kaplan

Jeffrey Kaplan is a Distinguished Fellow at the Danube Institute and author of the forthcoming The Early Israeli Settlement Movement: The Birth Pangs of Gush Emunim. He is the co-host of the Danube Institute podcast Reflections from Budapest which features in-depth interviews and discussion of the War.
‘The patterns that emerge from examples drawn from 150 years of terrorism and counterterrorism are clear. When a tactic works, it is copied and adapted to new times and new
‘Both Jordan and Israel, each for different reasons, are part of a larger trend of the deChristianization of the Middle East. Many churchmen fear that in a generation or two
Much of the world agrees that the Palestinians should have, and deserve, a state of their own. It’s a political ideal whose time should have come long ago. But the
‘In the end, what for Hamas is a military defeat and a humanitarian disaster has become a resounding political victory. Bringing the Palestinian cause back into the forefront of world