Hungarian Conservative

Tag: morality

‘Schmitt’s thought becomes particularly relevant in understanding how governments define the parameters of inclusion and exclusion in their responses to the pandemic. Schmitt’s theories provide a realistic framework for analysing
‘Many Christians who hold modernity culpable for the demise of the church and dispersion of the Christian flock join forces with political conservatism, seeing in it their natural political ally
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis—that is the name of the illness Dániel Karsai, a renowned Hungarian constitutional lawyer was diagnosed with in August 2022. Armed with comprehensive knowledge of the relevant domestic
Zsolt Semjén, in front of nearly a thousand people at the István Square inauguration ceremony, spoke about how Petőfi’s worldview, which was built on folk-national values and Hungarian interests, has
It could be rightly expected that the interpretation of law in the EU be guided by the foundations of European civilisation, namely morality embedded in Judeo-Christian culture. This morality is
Nigel Biggar’s recently published book titled Colonialism: A Moral Reckoning is a Sunday Times bestseller. The book is a unique analysis of Western colonialism, and a sober assessment of all
‘A major theme of the classical law is that the law should be stable over time and protect traditional expectations about how human life is arranged and how society is