Hungarian Conservative

Authors - Stageing: Ádám Bráder

The Hungarian-born French visual artist, Vera Molnar, passed away in December last year, shortly before her 100th birthday. The exhibition opening this Saturday was planned for this significant occasion, and
The Budapest Central European Fashion Week (BCEFW) has become one of the most significant fashion events in the Central European region.
According to the ten-page study by the international credit rating agency, the stable outlook is supported by the region’s expected robust macroeconomic performance. In addition, the economies of the countries
The NFI’s decision-making committee voted to support the production of six different television works.
The winners of the 66th edition of the award show were announced live on air on M4 Sport, at the ceremonial Athletes of the Year Awards show at the Hungarian
Approximately 8.5 billion cubic metres of gas was used, indicating a decrease of 1 billion cubic metres, or 10.9 per cent, compared to the 2022 level, and a substantial 2.5
Péter Szijjártó opined that, given all the elections taking place in the world from the United States to Europe, this year will be the political equivalent of the Super Bowl.
This initiative aims to enhance the scientific utilization of data from planetary exploration spacecraft like JUICE. A comprehensive overview of the experiment was recently published in the prestigious Space Science
Bóka explained that the timing of Sweden’s NATO membership ratification hinges on the pace and efficiency of trust-building between Hungary and Sweden, reassuring Hungarian parliamentary representatives who may have doubts
The press release indicates that the television audience has aged more rapidly over the past two and a half decades than the general Hungarian population. In 2022, those sitting in