Hungarian Conservative

Hungary Leads Region in Online Sales, GKI Analysis Reveals

In terms of the volume of electronic sales Hungary is performing well, with 23 per cent of companies’ net revenue derived from online sales, surpassing the EU average of 18 per cent.

The level of digitalization within the domestic business sector lags behind the EU average, yet Hungary’s indicators are the strongest in the region, according to an analysis by GKI Economic Research Company on the digital readiness of companies.

The summary highlights that enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems facilitate the flow of information within companies, improve data quality, and contribute to the efficient operation of businesses; 35 per cent of Hungarian companies utilize such solutions, compared to 43 per cent in the EU.

In terms of the volume of electronic sales Hungary is performing well, with 23 per cent of companies’ net revenue derived from online sales, surpassing the EU average of 18 per cent.

For small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Hungary, the proportion is 18 per cent, significantly higher than the EU average of 12 per cent.

Within the EU, 32 per cent of companies use at least two types of social media access platforms, whereas only 17 per cent of Hungarian companies do so. In terms of cloud services adoption, Hungarian companies are just two percentage points behind the EU average of 39 per cent.

Last year, 8 per cent of EU companies employed some form of artificial intelligence (AI) solution, while only 3.7 per cent of Hungarian firms took advantage of this opportunity.

Hungarian companies that plan to introduce AI cite a lack of expertise and high expected costs as primary barriers, with additional challenges stemming from the lack of compatibility with existing systems and legal uncertainties. Those Hungarian companies that do utilize AI typically find it beneficial in marketing and sales, accounting and finance, as well as production.

The GKI analysis suggests that Hungarian companies are increasingly adopting digital technologies. This trend was amplified by the coronavirus crisis, and digitalization continues to expand even post-COVID, although further efforts are needed to reach the European Union average.

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In terms of the volume of electronic sales Hungary is performing well, with 23 per cent of companies’ net revenue derived from online sales, surpassing the EU average of 18 per cent.