Hungarian Conservative

Hungarian Conservative

Hungarian Conservative

‘The huge potential of the Hungarian defence industry can unfold at the best possible time, as one of the recurring themes of EU defence ministerial discussions is that stocks are
Russian President Vladimir Putin suggested a one-and-a-half-day truce in the Russo-Ukrainian war, but the Ukrainian leadership and their Western allies do not want any part of it, considering Moscow’s proposal
Ukrainians fire as much artillery ammunition in two days as US munitions factories produce in a month—and even so, they achieve only one-sixth or one-seventh the density of fire of
Without support from the mother country, the fate of small village churches would be sealed, since the local communities have no resources at their disposal to renovate them, and the
In the 1920s, seaplanes regularly took off the Danube in central Budapest, with passengers travelling on one-off and scheduled flights to several destinations within the country.
To mark the visit of the Spanish royal family in 1908, one of the most respected architects of the time, Géza Maróti, designed a monumental, yet temporary triumphal arch—the grand
There is little political will on the part of the European left-wing parties to speak out against dangerous ideas. They often have their eye on winning the ‘Muslim vote’, and
Hungary’s commitment to countering terrorism is not only in words, but also in deeds, with a significant military force in Iraq engaged in the fight against the Islamic State.
In this article we describe ten wonderful places in Budapest where you can relax a little in the last month of 2022.
‘Giorgia Meloni is clearly a woman of great ability who has risen from difficult circumstances to storm the corridors of power; but she is also a cultivated woman whose thinking