Hungarian Conservative

Picture of Ferenc Hörcher

Ferenc Hörcher

Ferenc Hörcher is a philosopher, intellectual historian, poet, and legal theorist. He is currently head of the Research Institute of Politics and Government at the National University of Public Service, Budapest, and senior fellow at the Institute of Philosophy of the Eötvös Loránd Research Network. His research interests include conservatism and liberalism, the history of early modern political thought, classical Hungarian political thought, and early modern and contemporary philosophy of art. He published a co-edited and co-authored volume, A History of the Hungarian Constitution: Law, Government and Political Culture in Central Europe (Bloomsbury, 2019), and his own monograph, A Political Philosophy of Conservatism: Prudence, Moderation and Tradition (Bloomsbury Academic, 2020). His most recent publication, A Political Philosophy of the European City: From Polis, through City-State, to Megalopolis? (Lexington Books, 2021) offers a wide- ranging panorama of urban political culture in Europe.
If both elites (those of the West and of Central Europe, respectively) are ready to follow a more pragmatic political action plan, and rely on a less exclusive and lecturing