Hungarian Conservative

Day: February 22, 2024

The security of the Sahel is the security of Europe as well. If the EU and its Member States, including Hungary, want to avoid having to face irregular mass migration
During the inauguration of the Budapest institution, it was mentioned that the Kodály Workshop’s primary goal is to set an example for young music and singing teachers and make the
Throughout the negotiations, Hungary consistently advocated for regulations that support European businesses and developments without unnecessarily increasing red tape, while providing adequate flexibility for member states.
At the Fidesz–KDNP parliamentary group meeting today it was decided that Tamás Sulyok, President of the Hungarian Constitutional Court would be nominated for the position of head of state, left
Gabriella Vajtay, an active member of the Hungarian community in New Brunswick, New Jersey, is the director of Reconnect Hungary. The interview with her revolves around the Reconnect Hungary Birthright
Suspects in Debrecen, Hungary are being investigated for allegedly counterfeiting work permits for foreign workers, the Ministry for National Economy announced in a public statement.
The display of Csontváry’s Sicilian landscape Full Moon over Taormina, painted in 1901, is considered an art sensation, as the privately-owned painting has not been seen by the wider audience
The two-day parliamentary group meeting of Fidesz–KDNP began with a speech by Viktor Orbán on Wednesday. The gathering holds particular significance, given that the selection of the candidate for the
In essence, Europe needs Poland and Hungary, Polish MEP Ryszard Czarnecki argues. An interview about double standards, rule of law concerns about the Tusk administration, and the key role of
‘Fiducia Supplicans, which calls for the blessing of homosexual couples—keeping in mind that nowhere in this document does it call for conversion—the door has been opened to LGTBQ+ protagonists to