Hungarian Conservative

Day: August 15, 2023

In the latest episode of the Blue Planet podcast, Hungarian company Waterscope’s patent called the ‘smart hydrant’ was discussed. The invention allows the collection of data in places where it
Gerő sees classical liberalism as the idea of a constitutionally limited state and individual liberties, based on natural law. According to Gerő, classical liberalism professes the principles of government being
As British MP Ian Paisley Jr phrased it, ‘In recent decades, a new language and culture, foreign to the principles and freedoms that have characterised our shared values for generations,
Throughout Hungarian history, the country was often referred to as Mary’s realm, the Regnum Marianum. On the occasion of the Hungary’s Millennium celebrations in 1896, Pope Leo XIII sent an encyclical letter
Under the patronage of the International Geographical Union, the English-language competition, held for the 19th time, saw participation from 52 countries and 200 students. Four Hungarian secondary school students from