Hungarian Conservative

Day: January 16, 2023

‘Many of the causes he promoted used to be thought of (by the ignorant) as “right-wing” and have now become almost, or entirely, mainstream.’
Minister Navracsics warned in his letter that by cutting the Erasmus funding, the European Commission is violating Article 13 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.
Among the rising generation of conservatives in the US and Western Europe, both Hungary and its capital are becoming synonymous with intellectual conservatism.
The Hungarian foreign minister condemned the burning of an effigy of Turkish President Erdogan in Stockholm as ‘shameful and disgusting’.
Gáspár Miklós Tamás was an unconventional intellectual, one of the most famous Hungarian philosophers of the century and an important figure of the regime change years.
Edina Pottyondy celebrated the New Year by uploading a parody of the National Anthem to her YouTube channel.