Former President János Áder, joined by infectious diseases specialist János Szlávik, discussed the importance of vaccinations in preventing serious infections such as severe COVID-19, whooping cough, and measles in the latest episode of the Blue Planet podcast.
‘First, cannabis was licensed for medical use, then legalization became more widespread. It is the typical slippery slope. In fact, there are doors that, once opened, cannot be closed. Society-shaping (disruptive) philanthropists like George Soros, who have been at the forefront of making drug use easier for decades, know this all too well.’
State Secretary Bence Rétvári highlighted several measures, including the reform of school catering, the expansion of sports opportunities, the introduction of the so-called ‘chips tax,’ and restrictions on the availability of tobacco products, which led to better public health statistics in the country.
Minister Szijjártó expressed Hungary’s deep concern over the Israel terrorist attacks and their potential consequences, which could easily lead to one of the largest humanitarian disasters in history. He believes that this tragedy occurred at the worst possible time, as the process of normalizing the situation had just begun, and significant steps had been taken towards peace, which now could be jeopardized and rendered null.
Hungarian Conservative is a quarterly magazine on contemporary political, philosophical and cultural issues from a conservative perspective.