Hungarian Conservative

Search Results for: Erasmus – Page 2

During the programme, participants will be supported with monthly scholarships ranging from 350,000 to 500,000 forints, allowing approximately 8,000 students, educators, and researchers to gain international experience at the world’s leading universities.
State Secretary Balázs Hankó discussed recent efforts to strengthen international relationships, prepare for university collaborations, and launch successful applications for international funding in higher education, citing Hungarian Nobel laureates serve
Being politically modern means the hope that people are able to take their own life into their hands and be their own masters, and that the human condition can be
According to the study, 15 per cent of young Hungarians frequently experience feelings of isolation, which is of concern as chronic loneliness not only has psychological ramifications but, in certain
‘Hungary must be a country that can have Hungarians do all the work that needs to be done in this country. If it’s uncomfortable or difficult, we need to pay
In a recent interview, Minister of Culture János Csák quoted iconic interwar education minister Kuno Klebelsberg, who identified the task of governments as supporting high culture, creating Hungarian great
Regarding the sanctions, the Prime Minister declared that it is high time there was a courageous person in Brussels who will admit that the sanctions policy has been botched and
At the academic year opening of Milton Friedman University, State Secretary in charge of higher education Balázs Hankó underscored that Hungarian universities are performing increasingly well amidst intensifying international competition.
Rodrigo Ballester of MCC Budapest warns that we should expect even stronger pressure on gender issues from the EU in the near future. This case underscores the importance of paying
Last year there were only 99,000 applicants, and the increase indicates that the higher education system has become more attractive, Minister Csák said.