Hungarian Conservative

Search results: Hungarian Defence Forces

Viktor Orbán (R) with Thérèse Blanchet, the Secretary-General of the CoEU, Didier Seeuws, Director‑General for General and Institutional Policy (GIP) of the CoEU (L) and János Bóka, Minister for EU Affairs at the Carmelite Monastery on 2 July 2024

What Can We Expect from the Hungarian Government and the Prime Minister during Hungary’s Rotating Presidency?

While the media and European politicians representing globalist interests frequently voice doubts about the Hungarian Government’s ability to properly and democratically hold the rotating presidency, it should be noted that, in addition to the expertise and preparedness of the Hungarian Government, the person of Viktor Orbán, who has been head of government for fourteen years, is also a guarantee of economic and political stability and therefore of the success of the Hungarian Presidency.

The Hungarian Embassy in Washington, DC

National Defence Day Marked by Hungarian Embassy in Washington

In his remarks to officials working in the US capital and foreign diplomats, Ambassador Takács pointed out that for the sake of Ukraine and its society, peace and a ceasefire are needed. The sooner negotiations aimed at this can begin, the fewer further casualties will have to be suffered. The Ambassador also emphasized the importance of NATO remaining a defensive alliance focusing on deterrence.