Hungarian Conservative

Search Results for: KaTALIN nOVÁK – Page 2

In her letter to Jenő Kamuti, President of the International Fair Play Committee, Katalin Novák said that she personally nominates Áron Szilágyi for the International Fair Play Award for his
During her meeting with Musk, the Hungarian President observed that while addressing climate change is necessary, ‘if there are no future generations, there is no point in caring for the
After the announcement yesterday of Katalin Karikó being awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2023, a wave of congratulations poured in from Hungarian politicians. She also shared
‘We cannot effectively support women until we take into account that most of them are or will become mothers,’ President Novák said, emphasising that she herself is a mother of
At a press conference following her meeting with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, President Katalin Novák Novák ruled out the possibility of any ties between Hungary and Russia ‘which could
In her remarks at the UN, the Hungarian President emphasized her intention to amplify the voices of those who endure war, recalling her recent visit to Ukraine. As her second
President Novák is known to be an avid outdoors person, who likes to hike, ride and run in her free time. Demonstrating a new talent, she was among the 9,500
The social media giant’s owner commented on Tucker Carlon’s interview with PM Viktor Orbán on X (Twitter), praising Hungary for its family protection measures. In response, President Novák invited him
‘Just as a mother clings to her children, the Motherland also clings to her children, connecting Hungarian communities within and beyond our borders as if by an umbilical cord,’ President
Our editor-in-chief’s take on the resignations of Katalin Novák and Judit Varga, and what they entail for Hungarian conservatives.