Search results: united states


The Realpolitik of De-escalation

Henry Kissinger said Ukraine should seek peace negotiations with Russia, even if that means conceding territories. After months of Western powers pursuing the policy of shattering not only Putin’s war prospects but his whole regime, the former top official’s advice comes as a surprise. But what is the underlying logic?

Adventures in the World of Political Theology

Christian political theology rejects the optimistic Enlightenment belief in progress, for it seeks to remember those who have fallen out of collective memory, itself defined in the modern age by the myth of progress. Remembrance is one of the most important concepts in Christianity.


America in Turmoil – Again

A recent leak from the US Supreme Court suggests that the body is preparing to repeal Roe v. Wade, which would allow significant changes in the abortion laws throughout the country, casting it into political and social turmoil once again.


The Return of Hungary’s Holy Crown

Representing several Hungarian American associations, Adelbert Balunek explained the significance of the Holy Crown, saying that it represented ‘1,000 years of Christian, independent, sovereign rule in Hungary.’


Central Europe Seeks to Reform the European Union

According to Joch, there is a kind of clash of civilizations behind the clash of worldviews in Europe. Today the most controversial issues are the redefinition of marriage, legal and illegal immigration, and the military arming of Europe. Basically, a sharp cultural division can be perceived in this matter between Western and Eastern Europe.

Képernyőfotó 2022-04-22 - 10.17.25

The West’s Nervous Breakdown

To the old question, ‘Is there a ghost in the machine?’, therefore, we could now answer: no, but there is a consumer. And that consumer selects his new identity, along with its own distinctive pronoun, from the vast range of moral possibilities that the modern world throws up.