Hungarian Conservative

Search Results for: usa

The Japan-Korea reconciliation is good news for both countries, the USA and the free world, and bad news for China, whose aggressive and threatening behaviour and wolf warrior diplomacy helped
The development team at BME currently holds the record for the most successful PocketQube category satellite missions worldwide. BME has been involved in space research and space technology-related activities for
‘One of the most dangerous trends we are seeing in the West is the increasing deployment of the rule of law for instrumental political ends.  We are seeing this in the
According to the Open Doors USA organization, 13 Christians are killed every day worldwide because of their faith, which means one out of eight Christian is persecuted in the world. 
David Curry has been the CEO of the most well-known international ministry, Open Doors USA, for ten years. The organisation recently changed its name to Global Christian Relief to achieve
Some argue that the current push in the USA to extend discussions about sex in schools originates from György Lukács, and it has very malevolent intentions.
As the debate unfolds, the divides between the followers of pro-Eastern Pan-Slavism and the supporters of Western orientation are becoming deeper and deeper.
The former Soviet satellite states which mainly joined the EU in 2004 are the main bulwarks against the revival of ideologies with their roots in communist thinking.
What we can say is that in America, lockdowns are unpopular, wokeness won’t win elections, election integrity cannot be dismissed as ‘racist’, and the future of the Republican Party is
There is a slowdown in global growth. The economies of a once highly globalized world are drifting apart. The EMU economy is being hit particularly hard. The recession is coming