Search results: márki-zay

Péter Márki-Zay Announces Establishment of New Political Party

The 2022 opposition prime minister candidate announced the official establishment of his new Mindenki Magyarországa Néppárt (Everyone’s Hungary People’s Party). At the scarcely attended press conference, he revealed that they plan on not taking any funding from the central government, and operating on donations alone; as well as eventually joining the European People’s Party.

Tucker Carlson Shares His Views on Orbán, Trump, and Putin

In his interview on The Tucker Carlson Network with Darryl Cooper, Carlson shared his perception of three major right-wing political figures he has interviewed, Viktor Orbán, Donald Trump, and Vladimir Putin. He believes that as opposed to how the mainstream media likes to portray them, none of them are particularly radical, rather ‘sincere nationalists’ who ‘want to do the best for their countries’.

The Atlantic Rehashes the Orbán–Trump ‘Authoritarianism’ Fear-Mongering

An opinion piece by the Washington, D.C.-based magazine The Atlantic is trying to make the case that Donald Trump’s victory in November could bring a ‘Hungary-style autocracy’ to America. Evidently, this is nothing new, just a usual hit piece by the liberal media in the US with the customary distortions, omissions, and half-truths.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy welcomes Viktor Orbán in Kyiv on 2 July 2024.

Hungarian Aspirations to Mediate in the War and the Changing Relationship between Hungary and Ukraine

In December last year a new law created a distinct category for ‘EU minorities’ in Ukraine (such as the Hungarian and Romanian ethnic minorities) that now have access to more privileges than for instance the Russian minority. Later, as a sign of goodwill to better relations, Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó visited Ukraine. Now, with the meeting between Orbán and Zelenskyy the two country’s relationship is officially warming up. If in the long-term Budapest does manage to considerably contribute to peace between Russia and Ukraine, as it clearly intends to, it might have a long-lasting positive impact on bilateral relations.

Hungarian EP Candidates Gather for Lackluster Show-Down

‘It does have some positive effect to see political opponents act so civilly with each other. However, it also subtracted from the entertainment value of the debate; and the performances were less persuasive as well, less likely to have enough impact to change somebody’s vote.’

It’s Getting Hot in Budapest’s Mayoral Election Campaign

Whether Budapest will remain a stronghold of the left is at stake in the municipal elections to be held on 9 June 2024. Mayor of Budapest is practically the highest political office directly elected by citizens in Hungary, but the outcome of the June election is exciting not only because of that but also because the capital has been the scene of daily party political battles ever since the last election in 2019.

AP Journalist Admits Being Pressured by Soros Group to Give Negative Coverage of Hungary

In the latest revelation from the undercover footage shot of Action for Democracy operatives, a progressive activist shared how he would bombard heads of major news outlets and low-level journalists alike with requests to cover the Hungarian election according to their narrative. One of the journalists for the American news agency Associated Press has admitted to having received such requests through emails.