Search results: Yoram Hazony

Viktor Orbán receives Israeli philosopher Yoram Hazony, President of the Herzl Institute in Jerusalem

A Conservative Dream? — A Review of Yoram Hazony’s Conservatism: A Rediscovery

‘The question I am left with about Hazony’s rediscovered conservatism is whether it is a conservatism that is, or could be, rediscovered, or is it a conservatism that has never existed. And, even if it did exist at one time, could it ever exist in current circumstances, in which we live in a far more open type of society than Hazony envisages? If this latter is not the case, then as one who values aspects of our openness and indeed our rationality more than Hazony appears to, I have to conclude that, for all its merits and passion, Hazony’s book offers us no more than a dream.’


Yoram Hazony’s Conservative Thoughts on Marriage

When a young man and woman decide to marry, they do not want to have a marriage based on market rules which is: if someone better comes, then I will change. This is a liberal attitude, not a conservative attitude.

A Synthesis of Traditional Conservatism

‘I believe that the true ontological essence of conservatism is contained in the definition: conservatism is the making present of actuality. In this way, conservatism is bound both to the particularities of specific belonging cultures and to the wider belonging civilization…Conservatism as a political philosophy arises when the address of the aforementioned actuality is threatened.’

Pompeiian fresco depicting a multigenerational banquet or family ceremony (before 79 AD). Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Naples, Italy

Family Politics: The Role of the Family in Political Thinking

‘Families are the foundation for coherent political communities. Indeed, they are the foundation for nations. Nations are usually tied together by a set of common origins based on history, geography, traditions, and blood ties. A person’s ties to their nation are usually familial ties, primarily shaped by the home they grow up in.’

Anonymous, St Catherine of Siena Besieged by Demons (ca. 1500). Warsaw National Museum, Warsaw, Poland

Europe at an Ideological Crossroads: Unity in Progressivism or Sovereignty in Diversity?

‘Europe finds itself at a critical situation, faced with a fundamental choice between unity in progressivism or sovereignty in diversity…Central to this decision is the recognition of Europe’s intrinsic diversity, rooted in centuries of history, cultural exchange, and shared heritage. This diversity, inherently European, forms the essence of the continent’s identity and should be cherished and preserved. Importantly, efforts to import diversity from external sources often lead to fragmentation and discord, rather than enriching European society.’

Daniel Pitt

‘Political families have to battle on the intellectual and the political level’ — A Conversation with Dr Daniel Pitt, Teaching Associate at the University of Sheffield 

‘You have to have different levels of political engagement. You have to win at different levels, the intellectual level, the battle of ideas level, you’ve got to win at this  level. And then you’ve got the next level down, that you’ve got to win on policy, and win the debate politically, and then politicians translate these ideas into their own language and then they have to be able to convey that message to the voters. These are two different roles, but they are also overlapping. Like Edmund Burke, one of the greatest conservative thinkers, was also an active politician.’