Hungarian Conservative

Tag: young people

‘Progressive responses to the housing crisis may be universal income or free housing, solutions which are neither sustainable nor desirable from a conservative perspective. However, a common discernment may be
Wine and sparkling wine consumption is declining in Europe, but in Hungary, it is fashionable to consume sparkling wine, and the industry is on the rise.
A large portion of the 15–39-year-olds polled by MCC’s Youth Research Institute shares their political opinions on the internet, and many of them had the experience of being banned for
If our goal is to prioritise food production, tradition alone is not enough; adaptation and modernisation are also necessary, stated János Lázár, to which János Áder added that the record
In her letter to Jenő Kamuti, President of the International Fair Play Committee, Katalin Novák said that she personally nominates Áron Szilágyi for the International Fair Play Award for his