Hungarian Conservative

Tag: values

A new populism is appearing, based on real participatory federalism oriented towards tradition and community, with the Nomos being grounded in the ethnic divisions of states and regions.
She came from the small Slovakian town of Somorja, then the ‘splendid statelessness’ took her far away. With her dreamfolk-style songs about the stories of our ancestors, Upper Hungarian singer
‘In the present European political space, the elites are making considerable efforts to transform societies along certain lines that are dubbed “progressive”. However, the data show that members of European
Conservative forces in Europe and outside the continent need to work together because the values we hold dear are under global attack. These are the values that underpin the greatness and
A kind of manifesto for conservative values that we can perhaps all commit to in these turbulent times.
Hungarian presidency will provide an opportunity to represent European values that are also important to Hungarians.