Hungarian Conservative

Tag: USA

According to Tristan Azbej, the state secretary in charge of programmes aiding persecuted Christians, the fact that the Hungarian Embassy was the host of the opening of the major international
Donald Trump is currently leading Joe Biden in the RealClearPolitics polling aggregate by a wider margin than what Republicans ever held against Democrats leading up to the 2022 midterms, 4.3
US Ambassador to Hungary David Pressman gave two recent interviews to the British press. He criticized Hungary’s foreign policy in both of them, claiming that it was based on ‘fantasy’—Hungarian
Similarly to the French president, German Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck also spoke sharply in his assessment of Europe’s place and competitiveness. In his view, the progress made in the first
In an effort to appease the masses and break the streak of box office failures, Disney decided to add CGI dwarfs in their upcoming Snow White film after originally replacing
Nanos gigantum humeris insidentes, or dwarfs standing on the shoulders of giants, is a phrase first used by the twelfth-century French philosopher Bernard de Chartres. It has been chosen as
Governor Ron DeSantis has often been accused by the left-wing mainstream media in the US of closely emulating Hungary’s PM Viktor Orbán. However, Orbán has always shown his preference for
A Woke Europe presents two existential threats to its foundational values and to the sustainability of all that it has contributed to civilization. These two threats are, firstly, ideological and,
When arguing against stricter immigration laws, some on the left like to appeal to the significance of migration in American history. However, the truth is that there has never been
As for 2024: once we have passed the most difficult and dangerous year, we can move on to the next one, the year of sovereignty protection. We who are interested