‘For us Hungarians it is easy to empathize with Americans over their national tragedy, 9/11, given Hungary’s centuries-long history of tragic events. In many ways, 9/11 is similar to Trianon—the greatest national tragedy of the country. The most significant parallel is that, like Trianon, the memory of 9/11 unites the nation often divided in everyday life, regardless of how deep the divisions may be.’
The Wokebusters initiative, launched in July, is starting its first international mission. Miklós Szánthó, Director General of the Center for Fundamental Rights, stated that their first stop will be the United States, as it is the home of the woke movement. But the Wokebusters also have many allies in the US who are committed to the values of God, country, and family,, the director general added.
Professor Puskás is a highly accomplished researcher, engineer and university professor living in the United States, who is still active in her field of chemical engineering. She has not only excelled professionally, but has also been an active member of the Hungarian Diaspora in America.
‘In theory, America’s policy of reshaping the world in its own image was supposed to safeguard human rights, promote peace, and make the world safe for democracy, as President Woodrow Wilson said in 1917. Instead, the U.S. became a highly militarized police state fighting wars that undermined peace, harmed human rights, and threatened liberal values at home, which reveals the U.S. government had other (malignant) intentions.’
‘Most wishing to migrate to the U.S. are seeking a better life, contrary to the regional violence, corruption, and economic devastation in their home countries. If U.S. and Central American governments are able to institutionalize a ‘Marshall Plan’ as Washington had done for Europe after World War II, then perhaps a workable solution is possible. However, the U.S. needs to take the lead in this, though it would be unable to do so long as members of both Democratic and Republican Parties continue to childishly bicker with one another.’
An in-depth interview with pianist and choir director Zsuzsánna Balla, who has lived in the United States for more than twenty years, and yet she and her family have preserved and continue to foster their Hungarian heritage, and are active and enthusiastic members of the Hungarian American community.
There are a number of conventional weapons whose appearance in US adversaries’ hands can cause serious damage to American interests all around the world. It is not difficult to imagine the threat of hypersonic anti-ship weapons, barely interceptable by contemporary air defence weaponry, on commercial ships, not only on the Red Sea. Arming let’s say Mexican drug cartels with modern anti-tank equipment could also seriously hamper US efforts to block the flow of drugs into the country.
US Ambassador David Pressman has once again criticized the Hungarian government, this time targeting Viktor Orbán’s peace mission. According to Pressman, no one is truly following the Hungarian Prime Minister’s efforts for peace, which he characterized as ‘appeasement’.
‘It seems to me that Orbán sees his people as having a greater chance of surviving the disintegration of the West by forming ties to China. He might be proven wrong by history. But make no mistake: the dilemma facing Viktor Orbán is a lot like that facing Grand Prince Géza: How to strengthen the position of the small Hungarian nation amid the struggle of powerful states and empires? Géza’s geopolitical decision to baptism his son as a Latin Christian set the course of Hungarian history for a millennium. The stakes may well be as high for Orbán today.’
An in-depth interview with Erika and József Megyeri, former and current presidents of the Hungarian Communion of Friends, about their families’ emigration to the U.S., their involvement in the life of the local Hungarian community as teenagers, and how and why they decided to play a leading role in community building.
An in-depth interview with Eva Kazella, a prominent member of the Hungarian American community, about the deportation of her family from Communist Slovakia, the vicissitudes before starting a new life in the United States, her family, and the vibrant community life of Hungarian Americans.
‘What has been going on at Columbia, how the professors are treating Jewish students, how they wouldn’t give you a letter of reference if you were a Zionist, all this has been normalized to the extent that it led to the recent encampments. So, when you normalize the narrative against Jews and Zionists so much that it is engrained in people that it’s okay to hate them, and there are no consequences, that’s when we end up seeing what happened a couple of months ago at the Ivy League colleges in America.’
‘Today jihadists camouflage themselves as moderate and assimilated Muslims. In their Janus-face approach, they publicly advocate free enterprise and freedom of speech and of religion, while simultaneously being involved in sharia-based subversion, encouraging hatred, segregation, and violence. Just like Jefferson who confronted the conquering nature of Islam, Western leaders must do the same before the situation truly gets out of hand, as it appears to have happened in the UK.’
Levente Magyar, State Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, discussed Ukraine, China, and relations between Budapest and Washington at the White House on Thursday. Relations between the two allies have deteriorated significantly under Joe Biden’s presidency, both parties agreed to halt and improve this decline.
‘At times the only way to make the world safe for democracy, as Wilson envisioned, is to assume an amoral position, which may require a courtship of impure partners, even at the risk of tolerating their immoral policies. Yet notwithstanding the apparent Wilsonian recession in the U.S.-led West, and for that matter, the rest of the world, President Wilson’s vision is so heavily rooted in American political culture that its values shall continue to have a global appeal.’
As the confrontation between the United States and China intensifies, the question of whether decoupling is achievable in practice could not be more timely. According to David Harvilicz, it is indeed possible, and he outlined a three-point plan of action in that regard at this year’s National Conservatism Conference in Washington.
The first Tusványos speech that became famous across the Western world was delivered a decade ago in 2014. In the international, and especially Western media, the speech became (in)famous for using the phrase ‘illiberal democracy’ for the first time. Talking about competitiveness in a globalizing world Orbán said: ‘We are trying to find the form of community organisation, the new Hungarian state, which is capable of making our community competitive in the great global race for decades to come.’
‘Bluntly, the war in Ukraine has unveiled the West’s ESG goals for the hypocrisy they are. The political and business leaders who promoted them are now caught up in their own contradictions,’ Khaled Abou Zahr has written in an opinion piece published by Arab News. The article highlights the contradictions between Western leaders’ warmongering statements and their promotion of green policies and a sustainable future.
In a letter posted on the social media platform X on Sunday, Joe Biden stated: ‘I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term.’ He also promised to elaborate on the details of his decision in a speech to the nation later this week.
Thanks to Musk, X has become one of the world’s most prominent free-speech platforms. During the July 13 attempted assassination of President Trump, establishment media pushed false and egregiously misleading headlines, while failing to deliver timely news updates. In contrast, X enabled citizen journalists to work together to quickly assess the unfolding horrors. But according to the European Commission, X ‘deceives users’ with its blue check verification system, lacks advertising transparency, and restricts data access for researchers.
After some details had been circulating in the press for days, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán decided to release his ten-point proposal and assessment he had sent to the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, following his peace mission. The document is the most detailed plan for achieving peace in Ukraine that has ever been made public since the war broke out in February 2022.
‘President Trump’s true character has just been revealed. It turned out that he’s the kind of man who comes under fire, takes a hit, feels the blood—and stands back up, with his fist raised. Obviously, at this point, Biden is no match for him, a President, who lived.’
In his remarks at the National Conservatism Conference in Washington, D.C., Danube Institute President John O’Sullivan argued that NATO’s success hinges on sustained US leadership, adequate defence spending by European members, and a clear strategic vision that adapts to contemporary security dynamics.
All indications suggest that Brussels simply cannot get over Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s peace mission. In the latest development, 63 MEPs have written an open letter to EU leaders, urging them to strip Hungary of its voting rights in response to the prime minister’s ‘rogue’ diplomacy. Additionally, the European Commission has instructed its commissioners to skip informal ministerial meetings organized by the Hungarian EU presidency.
‘If Europe wants peace and wants to have a decisive say in the settlement of the war and the end of the bloodshed, then a change of direction must be worked out and implemented now,’ Balázs Orbán said in an interview with Magyar Nemzet. The political director of the Hungarian Prime Minister discussed Viktor Orbán’s recent peace mission and also commented on the attempted assassination of former US President Donald Trump.
While the media and European politicians representing globalist interests frequently voice doubts about the Hungarian Government’s ability to properly and democratically hold the rotating presidency, it should be noted that, in addition to the expertise and preparedness of the Hungarian Government, the person of Viktor Orbán, who has been head of government for fourteen years, is also a guarantee of economic and political stability and therefore of the success of the Hungarian Presidency.
‘Trump, just as when he raised his arm with a clinched fist letting everyone know after being shot, should go further and publicly state that Biden—so long as he stays in the race—is not an enemy. If he is able to convince his base that the divisions in the U.S. must come to an end, he would be forever remembered as the man who united the United States of America during its most challenging moment in modern era, and only he can accomplish this for his country! God bless America!’
Eight prominent British and American public figures have published an open letter in the Financial Times calling for an immediate ceasefire and peace talks in Ukraine. According to one of the authors, their letter was influenced by Viktor Orbán’s peace mission launched last week.
‘The fate of American democracy—and democracy more broadly throughout the West—depends on social, cultural, demographic, and technological trends and changes that have been ongoing for quite some time now. It may perhaps be too late to reverse these trends, and the fixation on individual figures fails to address the real issues at hand. As history has shown, the unraveling of social cohesion, coupled with technological disruptions, erodes the very foundations of democratic systems.’
‘In 2014, then-Vice President Joe Biden opined that New York’s LaGuardia Airport ‘feels like it’s in some third-world country.’ Little has changed in the ensuing decade. If anything, the contrast between Europe and Asia’s airports and America’s has become starker. British airport consultancy Skytrax releases an annual ranking of global airports; in the 2024 edition, Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (#24) is the only American representative in the top-25.’
Hungarian Conservative is a quarterly magazine on contemporary political, philosophical and cultural issues from a conservative perspective.