Hungarian Conservative

Tag: screening

‘I agree with those who think that historical authenticity should not be scrutinized in a historical adventure movie, because it should primarily work with exciting characters and a story that
The Budapest Architecture Film Festival is held between 7 and 10 March at the Toldi Cinema. This year’s motto, People Behind, highlights the numerous and passionate creative individuals who work
On 6 February 2024, the documentary Some Kind of Liberating Effect was screened with the participation of the film’s director Dr Valerio Severino in the Danube Institute. Several different aspects
Despite the surge in online streaming services, the study emphasizes, it is premature to underestimate the significance of films screened in theatres. In 2023, film distributors in Hungary reported a
The objective of the initiative is to promote Hungarian films, foster audience engagement, and enhance the cultural and community life of rural settlements, as announced by the institute on Wednesday.
The opening film of the festival is Kim Hee-jung’s 2023 work titled Where Would You Like to Go? which, like the director’s previous films, deals with a profound life event