Hungarian Conservative

Tag: science

Programme participants can choose from e-learning courses that run for four or eight weeks, covering subjects like modern history, economics, psychology, law, literature, and international relations. There is also a
Hamvas’ focus on metaphysical questions in the field of philosophy did not simply stem from his belief in God or his religious predisposition, but rather from this critical attitude towards
In addition to popular and spectacular chemistry experiments and anatomical tours, for the first time, a rescue helicopter will also be featured among the attractions, landing in front of Debrecen
At the event, President of the Hungarian Research Network Balázs Gulyás spoke about how this inaugural scientific workshop aims to be the flagship of the John von Neumann Programme. The
The ambitious space expedition will involve a Hungarian astronaut as part of a four-member international team, representing a collaborative effort between Hungary and its international partners. As per the contract
Ármin Vámbéry was an internationally respected scholar, traveller, linguist, and ethnographer who pioneered in the research of the Orient. He is commemorated for his unceasing will, lifelong dedication to science,
Hungary is entering an age where the space economy holds significant importance. Thankfully, it is welcoming the new era with a solid and well-functioning foundation, consisting of numerous private companies
Else then a faithful Catholic and an exceptional scientist, Jedlik was also an ardent patriot. Even prior to the enactment of the law that established the Hungarian language as the
The swift growth of the space industry has already begun to impact smaller nations like Hungary, making it necessary for them to address the challenge effectively. In response to the
We have heard time and again the phrase ‘trust the science’ during the COVID-19 pandemic, so it is time for pro-life people to prove what science really means. It is