Hungarian Conservative

Tag: science

Áder pointed out that Hungary’s gas consumption decreased by one billion cubic metres, or ten percent, in the past year, and the share of fossil energy in the ‘energy mix’
One hundred programmes are being organized this year to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Hungary and Türkiye. The programmes of the 2024 Hungarian–Turkish cultural
‘Only the West killed God, and they did it twice for good measure: once on the cross, and more recently via the Enlightenment project to transform the world through progress,
Áder noted that in Europe alone, 10 to 12 million cars are produced annually, and from 2035 onwards, only electric cars will roll off the assembly lines. This means that
The HUNOR–Hungarian Astronaut Programme started its two-year training last March with a physician and three engineers in Hungary’s newly established professional astronaut corps. The goal of the HUNOR Hungarian Astronaut
The university’s public statement recalled that since 2019, researchers have been conducting excavations near the Transylvanian village of Valiora. Their findings include numerous bones from vertebrates that lived at the
This initiative aims to enhance the scientific utilization of data from planetary exploration spacecraft like JUICE. A comprehensive overview of the experiment was recently published in the prestigious Space Science
The project involves the design and implementation of special measurement methods for the quantum microscope, which, according to their knowledge, would introduce a unique device to the market, as no
‘What is less known is that Tsiolkovsky essentially wrote his groundbreaking contributions to rocket theory as supplementary notes to his philosophy of space exploration, which was the primary focus of
The two countries celebrate the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Republic of Turkey and the initiation of Hungarian-Turkish diplomatic relations with a Hungarian-Turkish cultural season starting on 18