Hungarian Conservative

Tag: RIP

A driver drifted off the road and into a crowd of spectators at the Esztergom–Nyerges rally near Lábatlan, Hungary. The tragic accident killed four and injured eight.
While out on bond in August, Lira said in a YouTube video that if he is convicted, he would certainly perish in a Ukrainian labour camp. Tragically, he was wrong—he
Kissinger served as US Secretary of State under Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford between 1973 and 1977. In 1973, he won the Nobel Peace Prize. Known for his realist
Magda Szabó is one of the most widely read authors in Hungarian literary history, with her writings translated to dozens of languages. Her perhaps best known work is the 1970
On the day before Pásztor’s death, the commemoration of the Vojvodina massacre of ethnic Hungarians in WWII took place in Csurog on Sunday, 29 October.
The tragedy occurred at the 28th annual Börgönd Aeroplane Day, claiming the lives of the 67-year-old pilot and his 37-year-old son also on board. A criminal investigation has been launched
To date, six ethnic Hungarians have summited Mount Everest. The most recent attempt was made by Szilárd Suhajda, who got close to reaching the top alone without oxygen tanks. Tragically,