Discussing philosophy in general and whether it should be incorporated in education is an everyday topic. In this interview, Cornell University professor Barry Strauss delves into the issue, explaining why philosophy is essential in universities, and also shares his take on AI being used in the classroom.
The Hungarian Olympic Committee hopes that through educators participating in the training, thousands of students will become familiar with Olympic values such as excellence, respect, and friendship, and eventually become active supporters of the Olympic movement by following the same set of values.
The ceremony was attended by President Katalin Novák, former Presidents János Áder and Pál Schmitt, House Speaker László Kövér, several members of the government, Budapest Mayor Gergely Karácsony, members of the diplomatic corps, as well as representatives of churches and parliamentary parties, and several justices of the Constitutional Court.
László Sólyom is remembered for his significant role in Hungary’s transition to democracy and his dedication to upholding the principles of constitutionalism. His work as a legal scholar, his contributions to the National Round Table talks, and his leadership as the first President of the Constitutional Court have left a lasting impact on Hungary’s legal and political landscape.
‘Tusványos advertises itself saying “the participant coexists peacefully with the organiser, the politician with the politician, the speaker with the singer, the cotton candy with the anklet, the loudspeaker with the bright lights, the bear with the forest…” And this is precisely what I saw as I talked with locals, ranging from the elderly to young mothers with children, all enjoying this festival, some happy to attend the lectures while others openly opposing the the politics of Fidesz, but none unfriendly.’
Her first trip to Texas was motivated by the desire to ‘strengthen cooperation among conservatives across continents,’ the justice minister said, stressing that ‘We need to make friendships, get to know each other, and find common ground…While there might be differences in the details, when it comes to fundamental principles, I believe we understand each other.’
Katalin Novák pointed out that it was the first time a Hungarian President visited Tanzania and emphasised the importance of understanding the Tanzanian people’s mentality and way of life, with bilateral relations based on mutual respect.
In a press statement released following his meeting with President Serdar Berdymukhammedov, Viktor Orbán said ‘we need energy to come to Europe from Central Asia,’ and for this, new sources, new routes, and new infrastructure are needed. Turkmenistan can be a ‘great partner’ for Europe and Hungary in this regard, the PM stated.
‘The current labour situation in Central and Eastern Europe is the real chance of the Roma right now. To be the working ones, the last ones, the valuable ones, the respected ones. Of course they need at least a basic education for that, but let’s admit: the colour of one’s skin and their ethnic background have a much lesser importance for employers nowadays than 15 or 20 years ago. If you are capable and available, come and get the job immediately, employers say.’
‘We believe in connectivity, relationships, and cooperation based on mutual respect. I think the Organization of Turkic States is an excellent example of all this because it includes Caucasians, Central Asians, and Europeans, and we all know how to cooperate with respect,’ Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó told the audience at an event in Ankara, Turkey.
Péter Szijjártó did not mince his words when reacting to recent critical remarks on Budapest’s Ukraine policy by US Ambassador David Pressman.
Hungarian Conservative is a quarterly magazine on contemporary political, philosophical and cultural issues from a conservative perspective.