Hungarian Conservative

Tag: resilience

At an award ceremony recognizing excellence in tourism, State Secretary Csaba Dömötör acknowledged the resilience of the Hungarian tourism sector, standing on multiple pillars, diverse experiences, and the commendable dedication
As a result of a series of government initiatives, both households and institutional players have significantly increased their holdings of government bonds. In an unprecedented manner, households now hold a
In his remarks at the inauguration of a new granulation plant established by Swiss Omya in Eger, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó highlighted that this year a
‘The [Budapest Retro Interactive] museum demonstrates the triumph over communism through humour and satire. Far from making light of the oppressive regime or downplaying its existence, it derides it in
Human inventions such as contraception that ‘simplified the process’ of accessing sexual pleasures, had the ultimate side effect of devaluing romantic love, as what used to make it precious was
The Hungarian economy performed exceptionally well in 2022, despite the economic crisis caused by the war and the harmful sanctions imposed by Brussels.