Hungarian Conservative

Tag: research

The terahertz range of the electromagnetic spectrum can penetrate materials like plastics, textiles, and even biological tissues without causing damage, making it an indispensable tool in imaging, spectroscopy, national security,
During the mission, the Hungarian research astronaut will spend 14 days aboard the International Space Station, conducting scientific experiments that will not only benefit the domestic space sector but also
Hungary’s ministerial commissioner for space research Dr Orsolya Ferencz highlighted the need for a common EU strategy and regulation to stay competitive with the United States or China at a
The HUN-REN Institute of Earth Physics and Space Science has announced that their new, state-of-the-art facility in Sopron, Hungary is entering the test phase within a few weeks. It can
One of the key pillars of the state-funded John von Neumann programme is the development of science parks. The newly inaugurated pilot research laboratory at the University of Debrecen, where
At the launch event of the new book published by MCC Press and the Migration Research Institute titled Kié itt a tér? (Who does this space belong to?) a panel
According to the statement by the National Media and Infocommunications Authority, prompted by a citizen’s report, the Media Council examined the second episode of the first season of the series
According to a recent survey, half of Hungarian consumers find it important for the product to be of Hungarian origin or to have Hungarian ingredients, but only one in ten
The combined effects of the expansion of women’s education from the beginning of the 1990s, and Act CLIV of 1997 on health, regulating infertility treatments, caused a significant increase in
A study led by Csaba Kerepesi, a researcher at the Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory of the HUN-REN Computer and Automation Research Institute, demonstrated that the occurrence of autoimmune side effects