Hungarian Conservative

Tag: renewables

Conservatism is different in every nation, and so is approach to energy solutions. In this interview, Arvid Hallén, the founder of the only Swedish conservative think tank, Oikos, addresses these
‘Green energy production, storage, utilization, and recycling: this is how the green economy is built, of which Hungary is a leader in the world, not a follower’, Government Commissioner László
Citizen can submit their responses to questions related to 13 important issues ranging from solar panels to reducing utility bills to electromobility.
Industrial power plants and storage facilities can be connected to the grid by 2030, the Ministry of Energy announced. The current energy storage capacity of only twenty megawatts could increase
Despite climate and clean energy transition targets, the current energy crisis has forced many countries to increase coal-based power generation. The question is: can we expect a turn in coal
According to the calculations of a study commissioned by two EP groups and those of the Hungarian Makronóm Institute show that the European Union’s energy policy is fundamentally flawed, and