Hungarian Conservative

Tag: radio

At the height of his popularity, ‘shock jock’ Howard Stern was known for having porn actors perform sex acts on his show and routinely engaged in racial humour, even saying
The new online jazz radio will be launched on International Jazz Day on 30 April. The radio is named in tribute to one of Hungary’s most esteemed jazz artists, pianist
The HUNOR–Hungarian Astronaut Programme started its two-year training last March with a physician and three engineers in Hungary’s newly established professional astronaut corps. The goal of the HUNOR Hungarian Astronaut
Viktor Orbán discussed the recently announced pension raise on public radio today. As for the broader topic of inflation, he expressed his conviction that his government will curb it by
In a radio interview, President Katalin Novák spoke about the upcoming Budapest International Demographic Summit and the importance of family-centric thinking, as well as the ongoing Russo-Ukrainian war and her
Viktor Orbán highlighted that the European Commission requested a pay raise for the Commissioners, while it wants to eliminate utility price reductions in Hungary. He believes this is so absurd
Tamás Deutsch, during a public radio interview, drew attention to the concerning fact that the EU has been sending billions of Euros in military aid to Ukraine despite its current
The development team at BME currently holds the record for the most successful PocketQube category satellite missions worldwide. BME has been involved in space research and space technology-related activities for
In his regular Friday morning interview on public radio, the Prime Minister said that he believes this is the closest the world has ever been ‘to a localised war turning
In the coming years, thousands, if not millions, will fall prey to the misguided promise that surgeries, hormones, and drugs can alleviate their feelings of self-alienation. So, conservatives, let us