Hungarian Conservative

Tag: psychology

‘It might not be as explicitly visible as substance abuse, but below the surface, we are all struggling with our own imperfection and “sinfulness”. We all let our subjective anxiety
The description of the Thucydides Trap is more a description of a spontaneous escalation rather than a well-calculated move towards changing the international order. Applied to the case of the
‘The flaw in the progressive hyper focus on moral rights is that it removes the ability of reality testing outside the subjective experience. Therefore, it feeds our narcissistic tendencies, which
‘Instead of alienating modern man and calling him weak, conservatives should put forward mankind’s greatest treasure: a transcendental focus towards meaning. Only then can this time of polarisation and erosion
The 62nd annual congress for the Hungarian Association took place on 24–25 November in Middleburg Heights, Ohio near the city of Cleveland in the United States. A whole slew of
Mihály Csíkszentmihályi, a Széchenyi Prize winning Hungarian American psychologist, is best known for his theory of ‘flow’, a mental state that is the key to a harmonious and contented life.
The ‘mental gym’ works just like a library. One can visit the room and lend a tech tool as they would a book. The high-tech arsenal of the ‘mental gym’
Even though The Innocence of Pontius Pilate by David Lloyd Dusenbury offers no mystic resolution of Pilate’s drama, the philosophical conclusions it draws from the trial of Jesus are indeed
As opposed to his homeland, Canada, where Dr Jordan Peterson is being threatened with the withdrawal of his licence, Hungarian President Katalin Novák awarded him with the civilian class of