Hungarian Conservative

Tag: primary election

President Trump ended the primary with 76.4 per cent of the popular vote, the most ever for a candidate running as a non-incumbent since the binding primary system was established
For the first time in the 2024 primary season, Democrats outnumbered Republicans in turnout in a swing state. President Trump also got a substantially lower vote total than President Biden.
Based on his primary model, political scientist Helmut Norpoth gives incumbent Joe Biden of the Democratic Party a 75 per cent chance for re-election. However, the same model was widely
‘It’s just unarguably the case that whatever it is they accuse someone like Viktor Orbán of doing, the progressive left in America, it is quite clear that these conditions apply
The president of MRC Free Speech America reminded that the only criminal charges of the many against President Trump that have any legal merit are the ones related to mishandling
President Trump won 14 out of the 15 states up for grabs on Super Tuesday, with Nikki Haley taking Vermont. Meanwhile, President Biden is falling short in more than one
The Heritage Foundation’s senior fellow shared his expertise and insight into how the race is shaping up between incumbent President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump.
President Trump has won six out of six primary contests so far, the latest one in the key swing state of Michigan. The turnout level on the two sides, along
In a 4–3 decision, the Colorado Supreme Court ruled that former POTUS Donald Trump’s name cannot appear on the ballot for the Republican primary election in the state in March,
The United States of America will elect its president next year. While most Republican voters apparently support the return of Donald Trump, there is a huge and diverse field of