Hungarian Conservative

Tag: Pedro Sánchez

‘This new coalition (between the EPP, S&D, and Renew) wants to ignore what has been decided by free and sovereign nations that have grown tired of the policies imposed by
After Poland’s left-wing government launched an overt campaign against the country’s public media, Spanish Socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez is attempting to ban opposition journalists from parliament. The left’s attacks
Europe’s left-wing-led countries are being plunged into chaos due to irresponsible political decisions. A situation is beginning to unfold in the West that would be unimaginable in Hungary.
‘It goes against the Constitution and undermines the legitimacy of democracy in Spain, granting legitimacy to criminals. So what we have at this moment is a criminal alliance which gives
The Spanish conservative PP won, but failed to secure a majority in the parliamentary elections this Sunday. Its potential coalition partner Vox significantly underperformed, winning only 33 seats in parliament,
Reflections on how the European Commission selectively applies the rule of law conditionality procedure and manipulates public perception in this regard.
While Europe was busy disciplining Hungary and Poland, the far-left Socialist government of Spain, preparing for re-election, surreptitiously smuggled its politicians into the Constitutional Court.