The 2024 budget is a defence budget because during times of war, Hungary needs a budget that guarantees its security, protects families, pensions, jobs, and reduces utility costs, the Hungarian finance minister stated in parliament on Tuesday.
According to the law sponsored by the justice minister, an extended state of emergency is needed to handle the humanitarian catastrophe caused by the war in Ukraine and to tackle the economic consequences of the armed conflict. The bill was designed to ‘ensure all means to assist and accommodate refugees, fence off the negative economic impacts.. and help the country leave behind the effects of the war as soon as possible,’ the draft legislation’s preamble said.
The Hungarian parliament will be in sessions for two weeks as of today. Important legislation will be discussed and debated, including regulations related to the asset declaration of politicians, to the judiciary and the conditions of declaring a state of emergency in the country.
State Secretary Péter Takács stated that by obstructing the new on-call system, the chamber endangers the healthcare of Hungarian citizens, violates the fundamental rules of its democratic and public nature, and disregards its own objectives.
Hungarian Ukrainians are grateful to everyone who helps them in these difficult times.
The spring session of Parliament began on Monday. The Prime Minister stated that the Hungarian government is on the side of peace, and pointed out that peace is also the only way inflation can be stopped within the EU.
Hungarian Conservative is a quarterly magazine on contemporary political, philosophical and cultural issues from a conservative perspective.