Hungarian Conservative

Tag: pandemic

The Oeconomus Economic Research Foundation released an analysis regarding publishing and cultural institutions recovering after the pandemic on the occasion of the Day of Hungarian Culture.
‘The divisions inside the conservative movement are less over what should be done, and more over how far we might go, and the right answer is always as far as
‘Just as a mother clings to her children, the Motherland also clings to her children, connecting Hungarian communities within and beyond our borders as if by an umbilical cord,’ President
Csaba Lantos stated that to aid families, the government continues to provide reduced utility prices, making Hungary home to the cheapest household natural gas and electricity prices in Europe.
Mihály Varga pointed out during the introductory economic policy roundtable discussion that the government has taken measures to reduce inflation risks, which have yielded results. This is confirmed by the
In the autumn legislative package, the government will broaden the competencies of general practitioners, for example, they will regain prescription rights for certain medications that were previously taken away.
Enumerating the factors strengthening the positive outlook for the economy, the Hungarian finance minister stated that the country’s export performance is very good, and in terms of population, Hungary ranks
Regarding healthcare salary increases, the minister said the government will continue its two-stage wage hike programme. In addition to the 18 per cent raise in July this year, 200 billion
In a press statement released following his meeting with President Serdar Berdymukhammedov, Viktor Orbán said ‘we need energy to come to Europe from Central Asia,’ and for this, new sources,
Navracsics reminded that Hungary is to receive 14 trillion Hungarian forints in cohesion funds for the 2021-2027 EU budget cycle. Of this amount, 4 trillion forints have already been received